John Fanshier – Baltus Van Tassel
The wealthy and influential father of Katrina, Baltus Van Tassel is known for his generosity and hospitality. Despite his jovial exterior, he is cunning and protective of his family’s reputation. His alibi is his wife, making them a suspect team in the investigation into Ichabod’s disappearance.

Bradley Powell – Brom Bones (Abraham Van Brunt)
The town hero and best horseman in the area, known for his strength, speed, and mischievous pranks. Brom is deeply jealous and angry towards Ichabod for courting Katrina. He has a loyal following of young boys and rides a magnificent steed named Daredevil.

Jayden Marcum – Casper Brouwer
A rambunctious and adventurous member of the Sleepy Hollow Boys, Casper is always eager for fun and mischief. As Mrs. Brouwer’s nephew, he fits right into the lively group dynamic, adding energy and excitement to the story.

Chad Hembree – Constable Hendricks
The diligent and authoritative law officer leading the investigation into Ichabod’s disappearance. Methodical and observant, Constable Hendricks is respected for his fair and impartial approach, ensuring justice is served while maintaining order in Sleepy Hollow.

Logan Bruhn – Dirk Van Horn
Lives in Tarrytown but catches a ride to Sleepy Hollow each day with Doffue. Though sometimes teased for being from another place, Brom defends him, reaffirming his place in the group. Dirk is energetic, adventurous, and loyal to the Sleepy Hollow Boys.

Mason Hembree – Doffue Martling
A quiet and diligent farmhand for the Van Tassels, Doffue finds the pumpkin when Ichabod disappears. He lives in Tarrytown and gives Dirk a ride to Sleepy Hollow each day. While his quiet nature makes him a potential suspect, he has no clear motive.

David Owens – Farmer Van Houten
A bumbling but well-liked member of the community, known for mixing up phrases and being somewhat clumsy. He is not a suspect but adds humor to the story with his good-natured antics and friendly disposition.

Kaitlyn Longwith – Greta Van Ripper
The kind and warm-hearted daughter of Hans and Mrs. Van Ripper, and sister to Yost. Greta is supportive of her friends Lisbeth and Hannah, and like her mother, she appreciates Ichabod’s presence. She is not competitive and is well-liked in the community for her friendly nature.

Brandy Owens – Hannah Brouwer
The niece of Mrs. Brouwer, Hannah is deeply respectful of her aunt and fascinated by her supernatural stories. She emulates her aunt in dress and mannerisms, adding an air of mystery to her character. She stays close to Lisbeth and Greta, sharing their social pressures.

Rick Reed – Hans Van Ripper
A gruff farmer who openly dislikes Ichabod, seeing him as an arrogant nuisance. Hans is protective of his family and traditional values, disapproving of Ichabod’s attention towards the town’s women. His hostility makes him a key suspect in Ichabod’s disappearance.

Keith Wynn – Ichabod Crane
The transient schoolmaster who comes to Sleepy Hollow with the intent of marrying Katrina for her wealth. Ichabod is well-read, particularly in Cotton Mather’s “Wonders of the Invisible World,” and is fascinated by witchcraft. He is clumsy and easily scared, making him an easy target for the townsfolk’s pranks.

Alyssa Bustle – Katrina Van Tassel
The beautiful and flirtatious daughter of Baltus and Mrs. Van Tassel. Katrina enjoys the attention from Ichabod and Brom, leading on Ichabod to make Brom jealous. She is perceived as kind and gentle but publicly rejects Ichabod’s proposal, showing her strong personality. Katrina is a key suspect in the mystery.

Erika Howard – Lisbeth Van Houten
Farmer Van Houten’s only daughter, Lisbeth is jealous of Katrina on almost every level. Despite following Katrina, she resents her for her looks, wealth, and suitors. In her early twenties and unmarried, she faces societal pressure and is a close friend of Greta and Hannah.

Tiffany Reed – Maggie Van Brunt
A tomboyish girl who fits right in with the Sleepy Hollow Boys, Maggie is Brom Bones’ cousin and proud of her family connections. She is adventurous and loyal, often participating in the boys’ mischief and proudly sharing her ties to Brom and Widow Van Doorn.

Andrea Bruhn – Mrs. Brouwer
An eccentric and superstitious woman with an almost gypsy-like manner. She loves to keep the supernatural tales of Sleepy Hollow alive and was supposed to host Ichabod but couldn’t due to her niece and nephew’s arrival. Her cryptic and eerie speech makes her a prime suspect.

Chasity Bowlin Van Winkle – Mrs. Van Ripper
The kind-hearted and gossip-loving wife of Hans Van Ripper and mother to Yost and Greta. She appreciates having Ichabod in her home for the benefit of her children and the small rent money. Despite her husband’s gruff nature, she is very supportive of Ichabod and enjoys his new ideas.

Rebecca Fanshier – Mrs. Van Tassel
The warm and welcoming wife of Baltus Van Tassel and mother to Katrina. Mrs. Van Tassel is protective of her family and maintains a strong presence in the community. She is intelligent and perceptive, often subtly steering social gatherings. Her alibi is her husband, making them a suspect team in Ichabod’s disappearance.

Letha Hembree – Widow Van Doorn
The matriarch of the town, Widow Van Doorn is Brom Bones’ aunt and protective of him, often dismissing his mischievous ways. Once wealthy, she has had to sell most of her land and now desires Brom to marry Katrina to secure financial stability. She does not like Ichabod’s advances towards Katrina.

Landon Seale – Yost Van Ripper
The comic relief of the story and Brom’s biggest fan. Yost is young, energetic, and always eager to participate in the Sleepy Hollow Boys’ antics. His loyalty to Brom and playful nature make him a beloved character, though he is not involved in the mystery.